Invislign provider Smilefast in Wimbledon
First Visit

What to expect at your first visit

You can book a new patient checkup for £65 with any of our three dentists for 30 minutes.

If you are an adult who hasn't been to see us before, book a new patient dental check up with us for £65. This entitles you to have a consultation with any of the three dentists for 30 minutes. It is ideal for having a chat about specific concerns you may have about your teeth or oral health, treatment you were thinking of having, or simply having a good thorough examination.

Nervous or phobic patients particularly say to us that they like this reduced fee for the first consultation as they can come and see what we are like without committing a lot financially. The fee includes a full examination, with any intraoral photographs used by the dentist to explain her findings and an itemised costed treatment plan is issued to you afterwards, if one is needed. It does not include the cost of intraoral radiographs should they be needed. If you have records from your previous dentist especially including radiographs we are happy to place them on your file with us.